
Archive for the ‘exercise’ Category

Welcome fellow bloggers

I did not realise there are a few local bloggers interested in fitness and health. Welcome to murabiyyah and adidarwish. There must be more of us out there. I hope we can encourage each other to continue our healthy habits. I have to admit that I am not as active as they are. I try to exercise regularly but I guess time is a factor. There is always something stopping me from going running. At the end of the day, I think they are just excuses I use to convince myself that it is alright not to run.

On a lighter note, I went running on yesterday, managed to finish 3K. Hopefully I will have time to go again this afternoon. I kinda miss the endorphin rush that you get from exercising as mentioned by murabiyyah. One other reason for me to continue exercising is weight management. Congrats to adidarwish for breaking his 80kg barrier. I have been trying to break my own weight barrier but still a bit more to go.

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Active Bruneians

Larian EmasI went out walking yesterday at the stadium after work. It has been a while since I have done that. I was pleasantly surprised that there were so many health conscious people in Brunei. On reflection, it is not such a big surprise if we look at the example set by our leaders including His Majesty. Activities such as Larian 60 Tahun will encourage our people to be more active. There are probably more people exercising in other the other popular places as well, such as Bukit Shahbandar and Tasek. Some may also be sweating in private gyms or in their own back yard.

This trend towards increasing our daily physical activity is good for our nation. We are so used to a sedentary lifestyle. How many of us use our cars to go everywhere, even to the nearby kedai runcit. We use lifts instead of stairs, park as close as possible to our destination, sit at home watching television while our amahs do the gardening.

One does not necessarily have to start running in order to become physically active. Washing your car, doing a bit of gardening, using stairs instead of the lift at work, parking just a little bit further next time are important steps to a healthier lifestyle. If you want to start exercising, choose something you enjoy. Get the family involved. Start small then build up from there, such as 15 minutes of brisk walking, few games of badminton.

As always, do things in moderation and know your own limitations. Don’t go to all 9 hills of Bukit Shahbandar if you get breathless even getting to the foot of the first hill. Use smaller goals first like getting up that first hill comfortably before moving own to bigger goals.

So what are you waiting for. Stop reading, get up from that computer chair and get that heart pumping again…

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